You can rearrange the buttons in the order you like by Drag and Drop.
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Background image copyright: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Icons by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed by CC BY 3.0
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Hackers have successfully installed remote monitoring software and tracking phones and other devices, having benefited from the vulnerability of the WhatsApp app owned by Facebook.

The WhatsApp team explained that a limited number of devices were being attacked.

The assault was detected at the beginning of the month, and last Friday the security breach was suspended.

WhatsApp urged users, who are about a billion and a half, to update the application. According to the Financial Times, the attack was the work of an American company based in Israel.

On documents there develop anti-terrorism software, but in the IT sector they call them "Cyber weapons dealers ".
Do you know what's today bitcoin value? Let's answer first the question what's bitcoin is.

If we had to respond to one sentence on the question of what a bitcoin is, we would have chosen the words of Mark Andresen, who in 2014, in a New York Times article, said:

Bitcoin is a revolution comparable to the Internet in the 1990s and PCs in the 1970s.

These are the words of a man who not only has managed one of the most successful venture capital funds in the world for years, but is also a proven visionary largely directly responsible for the Internet, as we know him today.

The article below will only list, without explaining, the basic features of bitcoin. It contains multiple links to other articles on the site that explain in detail how and why the technology works. We hope to serve you as a guide to the technological leap that bitcoin represents for our civilization.

What is bitcoin?
bitcoin is both a global payment system and a currency unit.

Currency bitcoin is not issued and not guaranteed by a government, organization or company. It is supported and defended by tens of thousands of computers worldwide, whose combined power is thousands of times greater than the computing power of Google, Amazon, and IBM combined. The value of a bitcoin is based on this computational power, as well as its benefits, which we will talk about below.

By virtue of a mathematical law, the number of all bitcoin is limited to 21 million bitcoins, and by the year 2017 only a little over 18 million of them have been created. On average every 10 minutes, a new 12.5 bitcoin is being won, distributed among the owners of the computers mentioned above, a process known as bit-digging. Notice that every bitcoin consists of a hundred million satoshi, as they call the pennies of a bitcoin. And that's why - although the cost of a bitcoin is already over $ 17,000 - with a bitcoin, payments of less than one cent may be made.

The bitcoin payment system is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. We can pay with a bitcoin without the need for intermediaries - no banks, visa and mastercard, paypal, and the like. Fee charges are minimal and do not depend on either the size or the payee. In fact, at bitcoin, state borders do not exist - once turned into a bitcoin, your money is available from anywhere in the world where the internet is.

Your fighters are inviolable - no power can gain access to them unless they have the private key for the address they are in. It may even be said that bitcoin is the first technology in the history of humanity that is stronger than the state and the centralized power in it. That is why many of us are perceiving a bitterly not as a modern currency on the Internet, but as a social resistance to the status quo.

bitcoin payment security is based on public key cryptography, thus avoiding the need to share personal data (such as names, address, card number, etc.) when paying. This traditional cryptography is based on the traditional banking system.

Bitcoin price
Bitcoin price changes dramatically every day. You can see the bitcoin price chart on
A Chrome extension gives you new functions and layout for Facebook. News feed only, autoscroll, timer, quick links, lights off, new design for Facebook

Facebook Design

fave is an extension for Chrome that adds new functions and makes changes to the layout of Facebook. fave adds new functions like Show Newsfeed Only, Auto Scroll, Timer, Scroll To Top, Quick Links and makes design changes to the layout of Facebook.

The new functions:
- Lights off: hides the left and the rights columns around the News feed on Facebook start page
- Hide/Show News feed: You will not see posts on Facebook home page.
- Quick Links panel on the left side on Facebook.
- Auto Scroll: see all posts of Facebook without scrolling
- Timer: now you can see how much time you spend on Facebook. It displays the time for today and in the past.
- Scroll To Top: creates a button in the bottom right corner that will take you to the top of the page

The Quick Links navigates you to:
- Pages News feed: see news stories only from the Facebook pages you have liked
- Calendar: view all your events and friend's birthdays
- Pictures by Friends: see all friend's pictures from this month
- Groups: all your Facebook groups with indicator for new posts
- Your Friends: list with your Facebook friends and number of unseen posts.
- Live Video Map: watch live videos from the interactive video map
- Weather: pick a location and see the weather forecast
- Messenger: all your Facebook messages in new layout

Layout changes:
- Soft edges
- Font size increase
- Darker colors
- Circle profile images of Facebook users

How to change Facebook layout? The answer is simple - get Fave: tools and new design for Facebook

Pictures by Vladislav Terziyski

Drone photography is a solitary hobby that requires a lot of sacrifices. But when you get up in the morning and go out of the tent to the mountain ridge, looking at the red sky and the horizon from which the sun is about to come up, you realize that all this staying in the cold, the long walking and getting up early are worth it.


Yavor Michev was attracted to photography long before he enrolled in Ruse University, Bulgaria  in 1993. It became an indispensable part of his daily life.

In 2007 he flew on a motor delta planer for the first time. What he saw during this flight and his passion for photography opened up new horizons and new opportunities for his projects. Since then he has focused all his creative energy and technical skills precisely in this direction.

Yavor prefers to take pictures from a paraplanner or a motor delta planer. To be able to concentrate entirely on the photographic aspect, he usually relies on experienced pilots. In extreme situations professional digital equipment gives him the freedom and confidence to make his wildest dreams come true. So he takes out the best from his camera.

View more winter drone pictures

Veselin Raichev has won multiple prestigious prizes in several national and international competitions in mathematics and science. His love for them comes from an early age, and the most important driving force for him is continuous learning and desire to develop. AI is a tool and nothing more. The tools make people more effective and enable them to work less and live better.

If there is some kind of injustice in this improvement, it’s probably because of the public system, which is the work of others. We, as humans must decline to make the AI ​​more alive than us. The area which I work in connects programming languages ​​and machine self-learning. The goal is to create tools that read a large number of programs and learn how to write new programs. We already have some results – for example, we can predict how a person should name their variables by writing a code through JSNice.

Read more about Artificial Intelligence as a tool

Veselin Raichev has worked as a software engineer for Google, where he has been engaged in Google Maps and Google Translate.

Google employees can use 20% of their time to work on projects that are important to them, that may become important for the company, but are not the main thing they are hired for. For me such project was Google Translate, which I collected data for, trained systems from Bulgarian to English and vice versa, adjusted them and added a module that conjugated words. Google Translate had one of the best teams that I’ve ever worked with. I spent 20% of one year for that, which is not a lot of time, and therefore I have not contributed as much as the people who were creating the whole system.

Read more about working for Google

fave is an extension for Chrome that adds new design to Facebook.

The new Facebook layout have 2 columns and less elements. fave adds timer - now you can see how long you are on Facebook. The quick links give you ability to access Facebook groups, pages, events, calendar, friend's photos, friends list, Facebook messenger and Whatsapp.
It removes the right side of the Facebook Newsfeed and makes the left side smaller.

How to change Facebook layout? The answer is simple - get fave.

Puku App for Pokemon GO

A new Android App and Website for Pokemon GO fans comes this week. 
With the App you can chat with people nearby, view live map with pokemon nearby, check Pokemon GO server status, and learn how to play Pokemon GO.

You need to have Android phone and download the Android app Puku - Chat Map Guide for Pokemon GO

Here are the basic functionality to the Puku app:

Chat with Pokemon GO user nearby. Use the GPS of your phone and locate your position. Login to your Facebook profile and write a message to all Pokemon GO fans nearby that use Puku - Chat Map Guide for Pokemon GO. Someone can reply to your message, or like your message. On Facebook you will become notifications about likes and replies. You can post your message direct on your Facebook profile page.

You will see a real-world map in Pokemon GO style with stops and gyms like museums, art installations, historical markers and monuments - the places where you can find lots of creatures.

Millions of people are using the geolocation based game. Somethimes the server are very busy. You can check the status of the server from Puku app.

You are new to the most popular game right now? No problem. You can read how to start Pokemon GO, how to discover pokemon nearby, how to walk safe and many tips and tricks. Already a Fan of Pokemon Go? In the Puku guide you can read how to complete every mission in the game.

Download the Help app for Pokemon GO App and be the best Pokemon Trainer!
The cookie notification on Blogger comes on every blog for EU visitors. The cookie message appears on top of the blog.

Here is a solution how to make it not so prominent.

The code below will move the cookie notification bottom, will change the color to white background and gray text.

To do this:

1. Go to your blog on dashboard and choose Layout.

2. Press "Add a Gadget"

3. Choose "HTML/JavaScript"

4. Copy and paste the code below


position:relative ; 
position:absolute ; 

@media screen and (max-width: 900px){


#cookieChoiceInfo {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  bottom: 0px !important;
  top:auto !important;
  padding: 0px;
  z-index: 999999 !important;
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: normal !important;
  color: rgb(125, 125, 125) !important;
  line-height: 200%;
  background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
  font-size:12px !important;

#cookieChoiceInfo div{
  position: relative;
  width: initial;
  margin: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  padding: 10px 8px !important;
#cookieChoiceInfo a{
 border-radius: 6px;
  font-weight: normal !important;
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
  margin-left: 8px;
  padding: 6px;
  background-color: rgb(138, 138, 138) !important;

#cookieChoiceInfo #cookieChoiceDismiss{
border-radius: 6px;
  font-weight: normal !important; 
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  margin-left: 8px;
  padding: 6px;
  background-color: rgb(138, 138, 138) !important;

5. Don't give a name to the gadget.

6. Press "Save"

7. Job done! The cookie notification for EU Law is now on the bottom of your blog and is just got better.
Skype translator preview is a new software made by Microsoft and Skype team. 

Skype translator is not integrated in Web version, App or desktop software,
but you can test it by downloading the preview software here.

Skype translator translate chat from English, Spanish, French, Italian and German in real time. 

And you can send instant messages and be translated into 50 languages – from Bulgarian to Hindi.

Now you can speak and understand your friends, colleagues or new people in live conversation without the need to check the dictionary.

Skype translator is a great tool and you have to try it.

Skype Translator Preview
Screenshot Skype Translator / Image copyright Microsoft and Skype

Read the magazine Success Stories and get unique view of the others life. This mag comes every month with new stories about success, way of life and business models.

Google Hangouts Web Version is a very easy to use chat application. The big difference between Hangouts and other messaging services is the group video calls.
Google Hangouts Web Version is a very easy to use chat application.

You can try it by visiting or simply click the icon on the top of this website.

The big difference between Hangouts and other messaging services is the group video calls.

To access Hangouts you need a Google account.

Screenshot from (Background photo by Alex Wrigley)
Telegram is a free messeging services that gives the opportunity to chat, send photos, stickers and up to 1,5 GB files. Telegram is used mostly in the Russian speaking countries. For the registration on Telegram you need to have a phone number to confirm your identity.
Telegram is a free messeging services that gives the opportunity to chat, send photos, stickers and up to 1,5 GB files.

Feel free to try the Telegram Web Version on or click the Telegram icon on the top of this website.

You can create groups with 5000 users, send documents in any type, use encrypted connection and Telegram is cloud based.

Telegram is used mostly in the Russian speaking countries.

For the registration on Telegram you need to have a phone number to confirm your identity.

Screenshot Telegram Web
One of the best new feature on Facebook Mobile is the improved profile page. Now you can add short video to you profile and surprise your visitors.

Or you are on vacation and want to show this not only with a status update.

One of the best new feature on Facebook Mobile is the improved profile page.
Now you can add short video to you profile and surprise your visitors.
Profile videos are short, looped videos that every friend see on your mobile Facebook page.

Or you are on vacation and want to show this not only with a status update.
No problem.
Add a temporary version of your profile picture.
A photo with your holiday image and give it duration: 10 minutes, 1 hour, 3 days, a week or one month.

Image copyright Facebook Newsroom

The video below shows those new Facebook features.
Beautiful new flat design.
Ability to shot your profile video direct from your Facebook app.
Make the profile image temporaly just with one click to 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week.

All this improvement are great, but... are available only for some costumers in California and the UK.
Check back soon or just try some new apps in the Play Store for Android or App Store for iPhone.

The chat tool WeChat (Chinese: 微信; pinyin: Wēixìn;) with the most users in China. The messaging service is one of the biggest by monthly active users. There are mobile apps for most of the smartphones. The web version of WeChat like WhatsApp need that the user have the app on the phone.
The chat tool WeChat (Chinese: 微信; pinyin: Wēixìn;) with the most users in China.

The messaging service is one of the biggest by monthly active users.

There are mobile apps for most of the smartphones.

The web version of WeChat like WhatsApp need that the user have the app on the phone.

It is a little bit tricky to access the web version of WeChat, but here are the steps to WeChat Web:

1. Visit WeChat Web on or click on the icon on the top of this website

Screenshot from

2. Start your smartphone WeChat app

3. Click on the + icon on top right corner and select Scan QR Code

4. Scan the QR code from the website

Screenshot from WeChat Youtube video

5. You are online! Please do not forget to leave open your WeChat App on your phone

The WeChat Web version is responsive and you can view it on your computer, tablet or phone.
Please visit the WeChat Web or click on the WeChat icon on the top of this website.

Success Stories
To use Skype Video Calls on Chrome follow this steps:

1. Add the app ARC Welder from Chrome Web Store.

2. Download the Skype APK version 4.9 from

3. Open ARC Welder App and choose your download folder. Click on Add your APK.
Select the downloaded Skype APK and click the open button

Screenshots from ARC Welder / Steps 3 and 4
4. On the next screen select Maximized and click Launch App.

5. You have to wait 30 seconds. Use the time to right click on the Skype icon and select Pin. Now you have quick access for future use. If you have a black screen with an error, just right click on it and reload.

Have fun with Skype Video Calls and Chat!

If this works for you please rate us. Please click here to rate. Thank you!

If you like step by step videos you can check this one.

Over 1 billion users are on WhatsApp - the most used instant messaging service in the world. Now you can connect your smartphone with your computer and you can use WhatsApp in your web browser.
Over 1 billion users are on WhatsApp - the most used instant messaging service in the world.

Now you can connect your smartphone with your computer and you can use WhatsApp in your web browser.

You can see the clean design and beautiful colors.

The WhatsApp team make the same experience like the mobile app.

Here is a screen-shot of WhatsApp Web Version.

Visit WhatsApp Web
It is a little bit tricky to access the web version of WhatsApp, but here are the steps to WhatsApp Web:
1. Visit WhatsApp Web on or click on the icon on the top of this website
2. Start your smartphone WhatsApp app
3. Click on the 3 dots on top right corner and select WhatsApp Web
4. Scan the QR code from the website

Screenshot WhatsApp on Android / Access WhatsApp Web and scan QR code

5. You are online! Please do not forget to leave open your WhatsApp App on your phone

The WhatsApp Web version is responsive and you can view it on your computer, tablet or phone.
Please visit the WhatsApp Web or click on the WhatsApp icon on the top of this website.

Read more about WhatsApp Web

Get the Chrome Extension- New Tools and Design for Facebook
or Check the Price of Bitcoin

Success Stories
All you Facebook messages are in a new layout. Like Messenger App for smartphones here is a messenger version for Web. On you can chat easier, make video and voice calls and send images or stickers. What the people like on the Messenger Web version is the ability to find conversation very quick, the speed of the chat, the nice flat design and the big input areas. You have to try this experience.
All you Facebook messages are in a new layout.

Like Messenger App for smartphones here is a messenger version for Web.

On you can chat easier, make video and voice calls and send images or stickers.

What the people like on the Messenger Web version is the ability to find conversation very quick, the speed of the chat, the nice flat design and the big input areas.

You have to try this experience.

Visit Messenger Web

The Messenger Web version is responsive and you can view it on your computer, tablet or phone.

Please visit the Messenger Web here or click on the messenger icon on the top of this website.

Success Stories
From now you can access Skype with your browser.

You have the option to chat with everyone from your Skype account without any plugin.

If you want to call someone you have to download a small plugin.

Click to visit Skype Web

Here is how to install the plugin:
1. Visit the Skype Web version
2. Click on the top alert bar. Looks like this:

3. Chrome users need to install first the Skype Calling Extension:

4. Windows and Mac users need to install a plug-in. 

The Skype for Web is a responsive website that you can open on every device. Is a clean and minimal design layout and you will love it.

You can check this web version of Skype here and you have quick access from the icons on top of this website.
To make Skype Video Chat on Chromebook read this post. Click here.

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